This free conference about the future of work is open to teachers, parents, students and career advisors.
Apprentices, engineers and managers from businesses across automotive, pharmaceuticals, composite manufacturing, nuclear power stations, food manufacturing and subcontract engineering tell the audience more about their industries, what they make, the skills they need and the high demand for jobs that are vital to running their operations.
We invite teachers, careers advisors, students and parents / carers to join us at this unmissable event!
Register for your free ticket today:
1:25 pm
Keynote for Suffolk & Norfolk conference
Welcome address - Dr Nikos Savvas & Yvonne Gilchrist-Mason OBE
1:25 pm
1:45 pm
Dr Nikos Savvas, CEO of Eastern Education Group, will explain how the EEG helps students and adults train with future-proofed skills and get work-ready. High Sheriff of Suffolk Yvonne Gilchrist-Mason will share her experience of skills and jobs needs across the county and explain the "icanbea..." portal that helps young people find work. Laraine Moody, Group Principal of University & Professional Development will also introduce the UPDC.
1:45 pm
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Sizewell C Construction Performance Director, Laing O'Rourke
Technical jobs at Sizewell C and in its supply chain.
Sizewell C: Future-proofed jobs for decades
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Sizewell C Construction Performance Director, Laing O'Rourke
Sizewell CSizewell C: A new nuclear power station for Britain. Future-proofed jobs for decades in East Anglia. How Sizewell C's supply chain will need also need new skills and qualifications
Speaker Profile
Sizewell C Construction Performance Director, Laing O'Rourke
Sizewell CSarah was born in West Cumbria, where she is now based with her husband Dave, parents, dogs, ponies and sheep; she is passionate about nature and the planet and, when not at work she is learning more about growing food and making her and Dave’s little patch of land a home to as much wildlife as possible! Sarah started her career as a builder and still finds these early skills useful both at work and home, over the past 30-ish years she has spent time as an academic, lecturing the ‘hard’ technical subjects as a twenty-something was a great test of understanding, communication and nerve! in a design, working as a designer, a construction contractor and for the last five years a client.
She started her nuclear career in 2006 making a move back up north following a dream to work on decommissioning projects - and learn more about dynamic analysis - at Sellafield. After declaring that new build would probably be boring she demonstrated trademark adaptability in the face of new evidence and became a keen advocate for, and participant in, the nuclear renaissance; spending the last 12 years on the new build projects of Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C.
Sarah is a strong advocate for listening to and empowering youth and is passionate about contributing to the development of UK energy infrastructure delivery and the drive to net zero.
2:00 pm
Richard Bambridge
Early Careers Manager, Lotus Cars
A Guide to successful job applications at Lotus Cars
Revving Up to Succeed: A Guide to the Lotus Application Journey
2:00 pm
2:10 pm
Speaker Profile
I am the Early Careers Manager for Lotus Cars, leading recruitment initiatives since January. With over 20 years of experience in the skills landscape, I have a deep understanding of how to cultivate and support young talent. Prior to joining Lotus, I was Early Careers Lead for the UK’s largest housebuilder, guiding countless young professionals with their career journeys. I am passionate about helping the next generation find meaningful pathways into work, and they work closely with educators, employers, and industry leaders to ensure opportunities are accessible and rewarding.
2:10 pm
Josh Finch
Manufacturing Engineering Graduate, Lotus Cars
Josh's journey to work for Lotus Cars
Journey to Lotus
2:10 pm
2:25 pm
A brief overview of the journey from school to Lotus, discussing the decisions along the way and how that journey can be different for everybody.
Speaker Profile
A graduate Manufacturing Engineer who has just completed hisfirst year at Lotus Cars. He studied Automotive Engineering with Motorsport atthe University of Hertfordshire, going on to work as a Composite Technicianbefore gaining his place at Lotus in the summer of 2023.
2:25 pm
Mike McLean
Business Development, Swift Technology Group
Aviation industry needs people as well as technology
Swift Technology: The future of aviation needs people, not just computers and robots!
2:25 pm
2:35 pm
What does it take to turn aviation into a sustainable, Net Zero industry? It’s not only computer technology or Artificial Intelligence, it needs people, humans with real world skills. Swift Aircraft, along with several other small companies in East Anglia, are developing and using electric aircraft and creating sustainable materials for use in the real world. Much of this work requires hands-on, real-world skills and initiative. Being at the cutting edge of this industry needs people who can use a pair of shears or a screwdriver as much as they can use a mouse and a spreadsheet.
Speaker Profile
Having started my working life stacking shelves in asupermarket and on building sites, I managed to get a job in the civil serviceas an Assistant Scientific Officer. After 18 years of designing, buildingand operating wind tunnels and other test equipment I reached the equivalent ofa Senior Scientific Officer. The next 11 years was spent in the O&G /petrochemical industry dealing with Heat Transfer & Fluid Dynamics. In 2008 I joined the Swift Technology Group working in the Aviation, RenewableEnergies and R&D sectors. I’m a STEM Ambassador and my interests aretravel, photography and aviation.
2:35 pm
Tom Hesp
Engineer, Swift Technology Group
I am not a robot: Manual skills will be essential in the future
I’m not a robot!
2:35 pm
2:50 pm
My time at UTCN and my hobbies got me a job working in the Aircraft Industry, working at the sharp end of Light Aviation. My role in the development of the next generation of aircraft depends on my practical abilities and skills. Real world problem solving, assembling experimental parts, working with various materials. I encounter all these things on a daily basis. The practical skills I learned at UTCN and my experiences from my leisure activities gave me the perfect foundation to get involved in the evolution of aviation.
Speaker Profile
I caught the bug for aviation when I was 13 from my firstglider flight. 678 flights later, I’m now a gliding instructor, student pilotand an aspiring aviation engineer. Having started my career at Swift in 2022,I’ve been involved in many different aspects of aviation engineering frommechanical assemblies, electrical assemblies and composite manufacture. Outsideof work, if I'm not flying, you'll probably find me in a hangar working ongliders!
3:15 pm
How technology is changing the SME engineering business
How technology is changing the SME engineering business
3:15 pm
3:30 pm
Will Bridgman, CEO of subcontract engineering firm Warren Services, explains how technology is changing their business - but he is not afraid of AI. Former apprentice Jed McConochie explains his career path, what Warren Services taught him, what he is doing now and his advice to prospective apprentices.
3:30 pm
Are you interested a job that helps the UK to reach Net Zero? In the last five years, British Sugar has invested over £250million in its in its processing plants and factories, the sugar supply chain, its staff and buildings.
Not missing a beet: How British Sugar is attracting Technical Talent into the Food and Drink Industry
3:30 pm
3:50 pm
British Sugar is a key employer in the East of England, employing 1,200 people across 5 advanced manufacturing sites, and supporting 7,000 jobs across the region through its wider supply chain. The company supplies over 50% of the UK’s domestic sugar market, as well as producing a variety of co-products from the sugar manufacturing process. Attracting and retaining talent is critical to the continued success and, this year, British Sugar has taken on 24 apprentices to help build that next generation of talent. Are you interested a job that helps the UK to reach Net Zero? In the last five years, British Sugar has invested over £250million in its in its processing plants and factories, the sugar supply chain, its staff and buildings. Zac Wilkins and Paul Stringer will explain some of the company’s carbon-reducing projects and how young people are taking a much bigger role in net zero ideas and implementation.
3:50 pm
The role of Design & Technology in the curriculum
4:10 pm
Panel debate, Suffolk
Panel debate: Building a technican class in Suffolk and Norfolk
Peter Davies
Speaker Profile
Dr Nikos Savvas
Speaker Profile
As the CEO of Eastern Education Group, Nikos leads the senior executive teams across each provision and is responsible for the strategic direction, quality and financial stability of the organisation.
Yvonne Gilchrist-Mason OBE
Speaker Profile
Norfolk born Yvonne Gilchrist-Mason OBE has 20+ years experience in the marine industry. She sold her former company in 2005 and decided to set up The Mason Trust with the mission of inspiring young people to fulfil their potential. Yvonne was awarded her OBE in 2020 in recognition of the charity’s dedication to inspiring and empowering young people in our region. As key supporter of University Technical College Norfolk, Yvonne chairs their Industry Liaison Group. As for her day job, Yvonne is the Chief Executive Officer of the Future Marine Services group of companies comprising SafeSTS Limited and a number of overseas subsidiaries operating in the marine/energy sector.
Laraine Moody
Speaker Profile
Laraine leads strategic growth and partnerships for the trust, overseeing recruitment, apprenticeships, adult education, upskilling and retraining programmes, as well as support for young people who aren't in education, employment or training.
Laraine also works with over 1600 employers across the Eastern region to create business partnerships and work placement opportunities for our students.
Holly Stokes
Speaker Profile
Holly is theHead of Early Careers for Airbus Commercial Filton. She started her career at Airbus as a Business Administration Apprentice 26 years ago.
She is an HR professional with a passion for Early Careers and people development.
Dr Ben Farmer
Speaker Profile
Ben is the Deputy Director of the Innovate UK-led £300 million Made Smarter Innovation Challenge; a collaboration between UK government and industry designed to support the development and novel application of industrial digital technologies.
Prior to this, Ben held positions at HiETA Technologies, Airbus Group, University of Bath and Cobham. He is also founder of Added Lightness, a technology strategy consulting business, and Atherton Bikes, which brings together multiple-world champion and world cup winning athletes with the latest composite and additive manufacturing technologies
Ben holds a degree in Materials Science and Engineering and an MBA from the University of Bath, a PhD in Materials Science and Metallurgy from the University of Cambridge and is a Chartered Engineer.
Noura Idris - Renishaw
Speaker Profile
Noura is a Senior Process Improvement Engineer with a background in chemical engineering graduated with first-class honours. She thrives on challenging herself, exploring new ways, and getting out of her comfort zone. Noura has a passion in continuous improvements and enjoy solving complex problems.
Outside of that, she enjoys trying new things with recent interest in PS5 games.
Alex Ballisat - CFMS Services
Speaker Profile
Alex is Head of Engineering at the Centre For Modelling & Simulation (CFMS). He has over 10 years' experience of using digital engineering tools to develop novel products across many industries, including manufacturing, transport, aerospace and construction. Alex's area of expertise in using modern High Performance Computing techniques coupled with automation and optimisation to accelerate the development of new products and bringing them to market quicker. He is also responsible for the STEM and internship program at CFMS, and is passionate about raising awareness of careers in modelling, simulation and computing.
Ashley Hussey - GTem
Speaker Profile
A time served Mechanical Engineer with over 11 years Automotive manufacturing experience. Has passed a 4 year toolmaking apprenticeship to HNC level manufacturing in house stamping tools and fault diagnosing. From that then entered the Commercial Sales arena with the company liaising directly with Car manufacturers to obtain new business with the latest car models. Before moving into Production/ Factory Management. Has a great passion for all aspects of engineering especially welding and fabrication and is greatly involved in the push for the future of engineering pathways and bringing young people into engineering. Trying to inspire the next generation of engineers.
Simon Varney - Airbus
Speaker Profile
Simon started his engineering career as an Rolls Royce apprentice, joining Airbus in 1999 within the structural tests department (for 22 years). He is now an Early Careers manager and STEM outreach.
Immanuel Oyetunde - Airbus
Speaker Profile
My name is Immanuel Oyetunde, but everyone knows me as Manni. I started the Airbus engineering degree apprenticeship scheme, studying aerospace engineering at the University of the West of England. I graduated in May 2024 and began my master's program this September at the University of Bath, where I am studying engineering business management. I have always had a passion for aviation since primary school, originally aspiring to become a pilot. However, as I grew older, my passion shifted towards becoming an engineer for Airbus, allowing me to develop my knowledge and skills in the field. I grew up in a low-income background and went to a low income school where opportunities to learn about apprenticeships were limited. Fortunately, I knew where I wanted to work—Airbus—so I put all my efforts into the application and interview process. I was thrilled to be successful in securing this incredible opportunity. Now, my main goal is to give back to not only to low-income schools but to all students who are in need of guidance/support and serve as an inspiration and role model for the upcoming generation.
Zoe Scott - Airbus
Speaker Profile
I'm Zoe Scott, I am currently working at Airbus as a Procurement Degree Apprentice. I have recently graduated from Leeds Trinity University after studying for four years to achieve a bachelor's degree in "Procurement and Supply Chain Management." I have been in six month rotational placements within the four core Procurement areas which range from flying procurement to non-flying procurement based in Filton, Bristol. This opportunity has allowed me to develop real life on-the-job training as well as achieve a degree.
Mitchell Barnes
Speaker Profile
Dr. Jean Debney
Speaker Profile
Professor Gill Cooke
Speaker Profile
Professor Cooke joined WMG in June from the School of Engineering, where she was Head of Teaching for almost six years. Prior to that she spent many years in various teaching and management roles at Coventry University including Associate Dean.
Gill left school at 16 to embark on an Engineering Technician Apprenticeship at Dunlop Aviation in Coventry. After completing her apprenticeship Gill qualified as a Quality Engineer working at Dunlop Aviation, Alvis Aerospace, and Jones and Shipman.
Austin Owens
Speaker Profile
Austin is the founder, managing director and chief design engineer at Grove Design. Austin worked inindustry but always knew that he would apply his design skills from within hisown company and started the business from rural Herefordshire in 1990. It was always his goal to establish a successful Industrial Design Company, utilising his experience in mechanical engineering and product design.
Over 30 yearslater, Austin’s passion for design spans a diverse variety of projects, overseeing a talented team, with skills and experience in a range of areas. Austin’s experience before Grove Design - and working freelance in the early days - contributed to a broad portfolio, including waste recycling plants, automotive design, production equipment, and much more. He believes in GroveDesign’s capability to ‘engineer things to work, and look good too’, managing the design journey from conception to production.
Ali Amin - Shawpak
Speaker Profile
Ali is currently pursuing a Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship at the University of Nottingham whilst working as an Electro-Mechanical (Mechatronics) Engineer at Shawpak.
His role enables him to take part in various projects developing an understanding of different medical devices. He specialises in the design and programming of medical machinery. Ali’s focus is on combining mechanical and electrical engineering principles to innovate and develop cutting-edge healthcare solutions. Passionate about improving patient care through technology, he is dedicated to mastering the skills needed to drive advancements in medical equipment and systems.
Ali is an Apprentice Mentor at Shawpak, getting local Institutions, schools & colleges involved in Engineering. As an advocate he gets involved with hosting work experience to promote job roles and gain future prospects. Having also completed a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Test Engineering, he works with current Level 3 Apprentices, helping guide them through their own Apprenticeship programs.
Tim Hogan - Bentley Motors
Speaker Profile
Freya Bexon - Rolls-Royce
Speaker Profile
Freya Bexon is an accomplished Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Engineer with over five years of experience in the aerospace and nuclear industries, specialising in developing and deploying bespoke in-service NDE inspection techniques. With a strong technical foundation established during her apprenticeship at Rolls-Royce, Freya has honed her expertise across various NDE methods, including radiography, computed tomography, and ultrasonic inspection.
In 2023, Freya was honoured with the MakeUK Engineering Apprentice of the Year award, recognising her outstanding contributions to the field. Following this achievement, she was sponsored to participate in an exclusive leadership program, further developing her managerial and communication skills.
Currently, Freya is pursuing a master’s degree in Engineering Business Leadership at the University of Warwick, where she is deepening her knowledge of engineering management and leadership principles. Her academic pursuit complements her practical experience, positioning her as a future leader in manufacturing and engineering sectors.
Known for her collaborative spirit and dedication to safety and quality, Freya continues to drive innovation in NDE, ensuring the highest standards of integrity and reliability in both the aerospace and nuclear industries.”
Martin Tideswell - University of Staffordshire
Speaker Profile
Director of Communities and Commercial Engagement
University of StaffordshireMartin Tideswell is the Director of Communities and Commercial Engagement and an Honorary Doctor at the University of Staffordshire. He had a 30-year career as a journalist, finishing as the Editor-in-Chief of local newspaper The Sentinel, StokeonTrentLive and a series of weekly newspapers. During Martin’s time at The Sentinel his team won a raft of industry awards. He was on the Board of Directors at Port Vale Football Club for almost two years before joining the University. During Martin’s time at Port Vale the club was promoted to League One and staged the Robbie Williams homecoming charity concert. Martin is also a Trustee of the Douglas MacMillan Hospice and a Governor at Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College.
Ella Pilsworth-Straw - Invibio, Victrex
Speaker Profile
After completing her studies at The JCB Academy with A levels in Engineering (Advanced Diploma), Maths, Physics and Further Maths in 2014, she went on to Study Bioengineering at the University of Sheffield.
During her studies at university, Ella completed a placement year as a bioengineer at Depuy Synthes, working on knee replacement surgical instrumentation. In 2019 she graduated from university with a first-class honors degree with an integrated masters.
Ella kicked started her career by joining the graduate scheme at Depuy Synthes in 2019 and worked in all/various roles across the research and development sector of the business.
Now Ella works for a company called Invibio, owned by Victrex, that specialise in developing next generation medical devices working alongside medical device manufacturers. Ella's current role is as a Product Development Engineer working carbon fiber composite trauma solutions.
Ella continues to work closely with The JCB Academy as an avid member of the association and also as trustee to the Academy.
Zach Wilkins
Speaker Profile
I have been building my career with British Sugar for over a decade. My journey started as a chemical engineering graduate having been drawn in by the scale, complexity, and efficiency of British Sugar's process.
Following a 2-year graduate development scheme I became a shift manager, overseeing one of the five operational teams responsible for day-to-day running of the factory and gaining a deep insight into sugar technology, mechanical and electrical engineering challenges.
I moved on to area manager for the refinery, accountable for the people, operations, maintenance, and capital investment within the area. Most recently I have taken on my current role as De-carbonisation Project Lead, delivering large scale transformational projects for the site in pursuit of our long-term net Zero goals.
British Sugar constantly provides us with new challenges and opportunities that have facilitated my growth. One of my passions throughout my career has been the recruitment and development of our apprentices and graduates, helping to shape the future of our business.
Paul Stringer
Speaker Profile
I am the Capability Lead for the business with overall accountability for our apprenticeship schemes and pathways in British Sugar. I work in the Talent and Leadership team but prior to this have spent around 30 years in operational and engineering roles – I started in the business as a graduate in Mechanical Engineering but have been closely involved with apprenticeships for the last 20 years and I am passionate about the impact apprentices with the right skills have in our workplace.
Jed McConochie
Speaker Profile
Jed is a former apprentice in engineering and manufacturing at Warren Services, now fulfilling the role of mechanical engineer in the company. He picked up other skills along the way, including welding and the electrical side of things at Warren Services. He started his apprenticeship straight from school, completing in May 2022 and now continues to develop his skills and further training at Warren.
Will Bridgman
Speaker Profile
Will Bridgman is an experienced business leader who believes that strategic alliances are the cornerstone of a successful and sustainable business. He is the managing director of Warren Services but has also held directorships and advisory roles with other businesses. He is passionate about developing new business products/services in order to enhance business portfolios and to ensure that Warren Services remains a leading edge, technical solutions provider.
After 25 years of being a well respected and successful engineering/manufacturing organisation, Will is keen to develop Warren Services further as a trusted partner and end-to-end technical solutions provider, focused on building productive, strategic relationships that deliver innovative solutions for clients and business partners alike.
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Speaker Profile
Sizewell C Construction Performance Director, Laing O'Rourke
Sizewell CSarah was born in West Cumbria, where she is now based with her husband Dave, parents, dogs, ponies and sheep; she is passionate about nature and the planet and, when not at work she is learning more about growing food and making her and Dave’s little patch of land a home to as much wildlife as possible! Sarah started her career as a builder and still finds these early skills useful both at work and home, over the past 30-ish years she has spent time as an academic, lecturing the ‘hard’ technical subjects as a twenty-something was a great test of understanding, communication and nerve! in a design, working as a designer, a construction contractor and for the last five years a client.
She started her nuclear career in 2006 making a move back up north following a dream to work on decommissioning projects - and learn more about dynamic analysis - at Sellafield. After declaring that new build would probably be boring she demonstrated trademark adaptability in the face of new evidence and became a keen advocate for, and participant in, the nuclear renaissance; spending the last 12 years on the new build projects of Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C.
Sarah is a strong advocate for listening to and empowering youth and is passionate about contributing to the development of UK energy infrastructure delivery and the drive to net zero.
Richard Bambridge
Speaker Profile
I am the Early Careers Manager for Lotus Cars, leading recruitment initiatives since January. With over 20 years of experience in the skills landscape, I have a deep understanding of how to cultivate and support young talent. Prior to joining Lotus, I was Early Careers Lead for the UK’s largest housebuilder, guiding countless young professionals with their career journeys. I am passionate about helping the next generation find meaningful pathways into work, and they work closely with educators, employers, and industry leaders to ensure opportunities are accessible and rewarding.
Tom Hesp
Speaker Profile
I caught the bug for aviation when I was 13 from my firstglider flight. 678 flights later, I’m now a gliding instructor, student pilotand an aspiring aviation engineer. Having started my career at Swift in 2022,I’ve been involved in many different aspects of aviation engineering frommechanical assemblies, electrical assemblies and composite manufacture. Outsideof work, if I'm not flying, you'll probably find me in a hangar working ongliders!
Mike McLean
Speaker Profile
Having started my working life stacking shelves in asupermarket and on building sites, I managed to get a job in the civil serviceas an Assistant Scientific Officer. After 18 years of designing, buildingand operating wind tunnels and other test equipment I reached the equivalent ofa Senior Scientific Officer. The next 11 years was spent in the O&G /petrochemical industry dealing with Heat Transfer & Fluid Dynamics. In 2008 I joined the Swift Technology Group working in the Aviation, RenewableEnergies and R&D sectors. I’m a STEM Ambassador and my interests aretravel, photography and aviation.
Josh Finch
Speaker Profile
A graduate Manufacturing Engineer who has just completed hisfirst year at Lotus Cars. He studied Automotive Engineering with Motorsport atthe University of Hertfordshire, going on to work as a Composite Technicianbefore gaining his place at Lotus in the summer of 2023.
Ian Jefferies
Speaker Profile
Baxter touches the lives of millions of people around theworld every day. Our products and therapies can be found throughout hospitalsand clinics – from the Emergency Department to the Operating Theatre, from thePharmacy to the Intensive Care Unit – as well as advancing patients’ care intheir homes. Baxter is a truly global company and has 13 sites across the UK.
I am currently responsible for 2 aseptic manufacturing unitswith a team of over 120 people including Business Leaders, Supervisors,Technicians, a project team & a CI team.
My background is in manufacturing, primarily in the pharmaceutical Industry, having worked at both Pfizer and Abbot before joiningBaxter in 2021. I have a passion not just for pharmaceutical manufacturing but also for inspiring my teams to grow and develop, to become fabulous versions of themselves and exceed in their careers, beyond even their own expectations!
Dr Nandini Chakravorti, CEng MIET - The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
Speaker Profile
Associate Director – Digital Engineering
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)With over 24 years’ experience, Nandini focuses on accelerating the adoption of innovative digital technologies within UK industry and supply chains. With her expertise spanning a diverse range of technologies such as AI, systems engineering, industrial connectivity and data sciences, Nandini’s work helps organisations use emerging technology to maximise their impact, improve efficiency and boost productivity. In the past Nandini has worked with organisations like Samsung, Motorola and Tata.
Joshua Mitchell - Babcock International Group
Speaker Profile
Digital and Technology Solutions Apprentice
Babcock International Group – Mission SystemsJosh is a digital and technologies solutions apprentice (DaTS) at Babcock International Group.
As part of his current role he is supporting the AI development team at Babcock led by Peter Passaro, which researches and applies AI solutions for both internal and external stakeholders.
Peter Passaro - Babcock International Group
Speaker Profile
Chief Technologist – Artificial Intelligence
Babcock International Group – Mission SystemsPeter is a multi-skilled technical leader, scientist, engineer, and product visionary with a wealth of experience developing bleeding edge technologies for production across startups, large corporates, and academia.
He understands how to do beautiful things with AI, NLP, time series analysis, intuitive UI/data visualisation, and lots of data. He passionately believes in the power of the right insights and technologies to create a better world, and enjoys bringing clarity of understanding to complex and messy systems. He has built multiple teams and products to overcome business, scientific, civic and social challenges, including a trust and safety AI product that was acquired by Amazon.
In addition to his primary role in AI product development at Babcock International, he is working to develop the startup ecosystem for AI for underserved industries in the UK and Europe more broadly.
Stella Scott - JCB
Speaker Profile
Stella Scott completed her studies at The JCB Academy in 2022, completing her A-levels in engineering, business and level 3 maths. Following this Stella, joined JCB fulltime in September 2022 as a Level 6 Business Degree Apprentice.
Currently, Stella is in her 3rd year of this apprenticeship scheme, and is completing her degree in Business Management and Leadership at Derby University.
Since joining the business, Stella has worked across various departments including Global Major Accounts, Commercial Operations, Legal and Marketing. At present Stella is based at JCB’s engine facility, JCB Power Systems, working in a executative support role alongside our Group Head of Powertrain.
In the future, Stella hopes to pursue a career in project management.
Ewan Spooner - KMF
Speaker Profile
I started my career at KMF in 2017, after leaving school,joining the company as a Sheet Metal Apprentice. I spent time in every department, gaining asmuch knowledge as possible about every process and gaining new skills, whilstgaining my level 2 and 3 qualifications. Throughout the apprenticeship, I wasgiven lots of opportunities to grow as an individual by taking part in Skillscompetitions, as well as challenges within the community.
After completing my apprenticeship, I moved into anoffice-based role as a Planning Engineer. This role required a strongunderstanding of every aspect of the business and would test my engineeringknowledge that I had been developing over the years as an apprentice.
I decided after my first year in this role that I wanted toprogress further and started a Level 4 Engineering Manufacturing TechnicianApprenticeship, gaining a HNC whilst also in my full-time role. I hope to moveonto a full degree course after completing this, which will develop myknowledge further, preparing me for a more senior role within the business.
Harry Mellor
Speaker Profile
Harry Mellor is the European Product Director at LiuGong Machinery, where he leads product development, innovation, and market strategy across Europe. With over a decade of experience in the construction and heavy machinery industry, Harry is a seasoned professional known for his strategic insights and technical expertise.
At the beginning of his career, Harry gained valuable experience at the JCB Academy, a specialised educational institution focused on engineering, manufacturing, and business. During his time at the JCB Academy, Harry honed his foundational skills in engineering and product development, gaining both practical and theoretical knowledge that would shape his future career. Harry’s education at the JCB Academy instilled in him a strong work ethic and a passion for innovation, which he carried forward into his subsequent roles in the industry. His technical training at the Academy not only gave him a solid engineering foundation but also helped him develop a mindset for solving complex problems & “Can Do” attitude , a trait that has been instrumental in his success in driving product development and market expansion at LiuGong.
Before joining LiuGong, Harry held various pivotal roles in product management and engineering at another leading company in the heavy equipment sector. He began his career as a mechanical engineering higher apprentice, where he honed his technical skills in machinery design and development. Over time, he transitioned into product management & business development roles, where his keen understanding of both the technical and commercial aspects of the business allowed him to excel in product strategy, market analysis, and portfolio management.
Additionally, Harry has extensive experience in working with cross-cultural teams and leading product development initiatives in international markets. His deep understanding of the European market, combined with his global perspective, has made him a vital asset in adapting products for regional needs while maintaining global consistency. His ability to balance customer needs with business goals resulted in increased market share and enhanced product performance.
Throughout his career, Harry has been recognised for his leadership in driving innovation, improving operational efficiencies, and developing products that are not only technologically advanced but also cost-effective and sustainable. His commitment to continuous improvement and his collaborative approach have been key drivers in his success across various roles in the industry.
At LiuGong, Harry continues to leverage his extensive industry experience to advance the company’s growth in Europe, ensuring that LiuGong's product offerings remain at the forefront of the heavy machinery market. His work plays a crucial role in LiuGong’s mission to deliver reliable, high-performance equipment that meets the evolving demands of the construction and industrial sectors.
Connor Ayre - Lucideon
Speaker Profile
Connor has always been interested in sciences. He studied physics, chemistry and maths at A-Levels to further his knowledge and gain more understanding of what it is he enjoys about these areas. He was still unsure about what he wanted to do with further education and found an apprenticeship was a great opportunity to learn and work.
Doing an apprenticeship is providing him with invaluable practical experience to develop his learning and skillset much quicker than having only theoretical experience. He works with many different ceramic materials from powder preparation to analysis tests, contributing to many sectors such as aerospace to healthcare. He is currently focused on the earlier stages of ceramic processing like the material preparation and forming of parts using novel technologies like robocasting.
Learning from field experts and knowing there is lots of room for growth of both his personal skills and the ceramic industry is inspiring.
Ethan Ellis - Lucideon
Speaker Profile
Ethan is a degree apprentice at Lucideon, working in the AMRICC centre, which holds the advanced ceramics pilot plant for the UK.
Beforehand, he studied electrical and mechanical engineering in college, which gave his a strong foundation for one of his current roles, as a furnace operator. He's passionate about understanding the science behind everything, which is why he chose to pursue a materials science apprenticeship.
At Lucideon, he gets to work on exciting projects like developing advanced armour materials, ceramic composite materials, and scaling up flash sintering processes. This experience has helped him become a more confident person inside and outside of work, even presenting on the work Lucideon is doing in areas such as lunar exploration.
Victoria Warren - Lucideon
Speaker Profile
Victoria has always had a passion for people development, leading learning and development in many organisation and freelance. She has experience working within the Department for Education and has focused on advancing people’s careers through development of skills, knowledge and behaviours. Working from entry level to the highest executives.
Victoria loves learning whilst ‘on the job’ - she didn’t go straight to university from college, she went straight into work and took qualifications and academic study on alongside. She never stops learning, having lead HR teams she took a real interest in the psychology of human behaviour so took herself back to university for this.
Within Lucideon she leads learning and development across their UK and US sites.
She's particularly passionate about finding local talent to enter into a career within advanced ceramics – and then to work with them during their career to support their development. The company slogan is is ‘Stay Local, Go Far.’
Victoria’s Qualifications
Masters of Applied Positive Psychology
Master of Psychological Science
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Development
Holly Broadhurst - JCB
Speaker Profile
Holly Broadhurst is the Senior Early Career Scheme Leader at JCB responsible for Early Career Talent across the UK.
The role of a Senior Early Career Scheme Leader is to lead the attraction, selection, development, and retention of the best talent that will enable JCB to be an employer of choice, driving business performance and ensuring there is talent pipeline for the future requirements of JCB.
Holly started her journey at JCB back in 2012 as an Engineering Degree Apprentice completing her degree in Mechanical engineering, through her time at JCB she has held roles in Engineering and most recently in HR.
Max Jeffery - JCB
Speaker Profile
Max Jeffery graduated from Loughborough University in 1992 with a degree in mechanical engineering. Having been sponsored through his degree by JCB, Max joined the company full time as a Design Engineer on graduating from university.
Max has held a number of engineering positions across the UK businesses, and in 1996 was awarded Chartered Engineer status with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
After working as part of the HR team based at the World Headquarters, Max held a series of positions in Quality, Operations, Project Management and Sales. In 2013 Max was appointed to head up JCB’s Global Excavator Programme - a role that took him to China and India.
In 2016, Max was appointed as General Manager of JCB Landpower, JCB’s tractor manufacturing business, and in 2018 was appointed Group Learning and Development Director.
Max was appointed Group HR Director in May 2022 after a two year spell as Engineering Director.
Max is married with two children.
Professor Dave Greenwood
Speaker Profile
David Greenwood is Director for Industrial Engagement, and CEO of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult at WMG. Previously, David established and led the Energy Directorate at WMG where he led a team of over 200 researchers and engineers. Projects spanned a number of fields, including cars, trucks, boats, off highway machinery, aircraft and motorcycles. His research spans batteries, electric motors, power electronics, and the integration and control of these for propulsion and energy applications.
David moved into academia after 20 years in industry latterly as Head of Hybrid and Electric Systems for engineering consultancy Ricardo UK Ltd. Professor Greenwood holds advisory and board positions for the Advanced Propulsion Centre, Innovate UK (Faraday Challenge and IDP), and the Faraday Institution. He is head of the Advanced Propulsion Centre's Electrical Energy Storage Spoke.
Dr. Phil Jemmett
Speaker Profile
Widening Participation Coordinator, WMG Outreach Team
WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group)Phil originally trained in chemistry but left the lab when he realised that talking science and inspiring young people to consider STEM careers was more fun. He has delivered events in libraries, museums, community groups, schools, universities, festivals, circus tents, and even once in someone’s lounge. Phil uses his position within the University of Warwick to bring the real experts on cutting-edge technologies out of the academy and into public spaces, engaging with young and old to build trust in science and engineering. After all – if the public don’t trust the researchers and inventors who are making innovations possible, the products won’t sell, be used, or make it out of the university.
Phil believes that good engagement between universities and the communities they sit within can inspire the workforce of the future and build trust: key ingredients to building a bright, green future for everyone to live in.
Sophie Young
Speaker Profile
Sophie Young, who works for PP Control & Automation inthe West Midlands, is on an Apprenticeship pathway that will see her attainqualifications from a HNC through to her degree.
The 21-year-old has already secured several awards,including the Ladder for the Black Country Awards, being named as one of TheManufacturer’s Top 100, and recognised as the ‘Rising Star’ at the Engineering& Manufacturing Awards (EMA).
Outside the facility, Sophie has carried on a passion forengineering to over 10 career fairs and speaking events in local schools tohelp raise the profile of engineering with young people and highlight women’shistorical role in manufacturing. Furthermore, Sophie has participated in livepanel discussions for International Women in Engineering Day and has appearedon a digital platform for the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Institute ofTechnology.
Sophie is hoping that her own personal journey can act as aninspiration for hundreds of young girls and women looking to carve out apossible role in manufacturing.
Alex Zarifeh
Speaker Profile
Modellingthe content of his talk this evening, Alex Zarifeh has ever-evolved his rolesin the world of education over the past 25 years. Alex has taught two differentA Level subjects and has held Director of Sixth form, Director of Enrichmentand Director of Careers roles and is presently, Trust lead for Careers andFutures Readiness at the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership in the WestMidlands.
Alex has contributed to talks on AI’s evolving impacts upon the worldof work at the University of Birmingham, Professor Deirdre Hughes’, ‘AI inAction’ webinar series, MAT Strategic Forum, the Careers Development Institute(CDI) and the Complete Careers Conference.
Iqra Hamid
Speaker Profile
IqraHamid is a Senior Powertrain Design Engineer at Triumph Motorcycles, where she plays a pivotal role in engine design and development for race programs and road bikes.
Iqra graduated from the University of Warwick with a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree in Mechanical Engineering. During her time atUniversity, she was integral in shaping the Formula Student team, WarwickRacing, and led development of their first electric race car.
Since joining Triumph, Iqra has played a key part in advancing engine performance.Her efforts have contributed to Triumph’s success in both competitive racing and road bikes. One of her standout achievements is the development of a high-performance engine for the Moto2TM championship, which has been widely acclaimed for its exceptional record-breaking performance and durability.
Beyond her engineering role, Iqra is a passionate advocate for STEM. She leadsTriumph’s initiatives to inspire future Engineers, encouraging young people,especially women, to pursue careers in Engineering.
Yan Pugh-Jones
Speaker Profile
Yan is the Director ofEngineering at Brompton Bicycles, the UK’s biggest bike manufacturer and maker of the world’s best folding bikes, where he is responsible for a team of 40 people that cover mechanical and electronic systems. In addition to his core role, he is part of the company’s executive committee, responsible for overall business strategy.
He has an undergraduate master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Birmingham and a postgraduate master’s degree in automotive technology management from Cranfield University.
Prior to joining Brompton Bicycles, Yan spent most of his career in the automotive sector working forAston Martin, Dyson, and Bugatti Rimac (Verne). He led the structures team that created the DB11 and was part of a small concept team developing the DBX SUV.At Dyson he was responsible for product safety and autonomous driving and set a team up from scratch to do these jobs.
When not at work Yan likes tospend time with his family, play musical instruments and run.
Obaloluwa Osundina
Speaker Profile
Whenever asked, I like to describe myself as a creator as myskillsets and interests are not exclusive to my 9-5, however my current job title is as Tooling and Fixtures Design Engineer @ Jaguar Land Rover- intranslation I design tools and equipment that factory operators and robots willuse to make our products. But how did I get here? I studied Design Engineering@ Bournemouth University after “underachieving” at A level and going through the clearing process.
I was very lucky in that from around seven years old, I wasalways sure I was going to make a living working in one way or another with cars, but I had to dig deeper and more introspectively to decide what to studyat university. The answer was clear-fundamentally, I like to make things! WhenI was researching what courses to apply for at university, my connection with art, design and the automotive industry helped me select Design Engineering, which I felt best encompassed the skills/subjects I was proficient or had a serious interest in.
Before higher education I attended a boarding school in WestSussex called Christ’s Hospital – a place that contributed greatly to mypersonal development and gave me opportunities to dream big!
Debora Mazzetta
Speaker Profile
I was born in Venezuela to Italian parents, studied Manufacturing Engineering and loved this field ever since I started.
Throughout my 16 years of experience in manufacturing process and project management within automotive industries. My career started at Ford Motors in trim and final line with continues improvement project, then I had the opportunity to join a different role within an international joint venture Venezuela-Iran in a vehicle line in order to increment efficiency and launch new products; then, as part of Jaguar Land Rover team based in UK, completed the installation and commissioning of the new internal combustion engine (ICE) assembly lines as well as leading a remote team for the retool projects into China and India existing assembly lines. Major change came when I had to lead the new production lines for our new battery product. Currently I joined the senior management team in a strategic role for Global Manufacturing Engineering.
I am tenacious, enthusiastic with a firm work ethic. I enjoy fast paced projects where I can have a bigger influence and solve problems systematically, getting results rapidly. I am particularly proud to grow and nurture a new team, establishing clear direction so that all efforts are focused to achieve a common goal this is what had brought me satisfaction as a leader. Looking to continue learning and gaining new experiences that will make a positive impact in the world where we live through engineering principles.
Dr Ben Silverstone
Speaker Profile
Associate Professor, Head of Skills Policy and Strategy
WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group)Dr Benjamin Silverstone holds an MSc inManagement and a PhD in Engineering as well as a professional teaching qualification. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Ben has worked in education for almost 20years and has held various teaching and management positions in Colleges andUniversities.
At present Ben is an Associate Professor and is Head of SkillsPolicy and Strategy and WMG. His role places him as a thought leader in the space of future skills and he is regularly engaged with government bodies in establishing the evolution of skills in the UK.
Ben is a founder of, the National Electrification Skills Framework which is a blueprint for skills engagement and adoption across a range of sectors. In addition to his leadership roles. Ben is a widely published author on a number of education and technology topics. Early in his career Ben spent a total of 15-years with the Royal Navy and HM Coastguard earning several commendations.
Alexia Williams - Rolls-Royce
Speaker Profile
Deployed Lifecycle Engineer – TP400 and IfATE Apprentice Panel Chair
Rolls-RoyceAlexia is an Asset Lifecycle Engineer Project Lead working at Rolls-Royce Plc in the Submarine Delivery Enterprise. Before this she was a Deployed Lifecycle Engineer working on the TP400 engine which powers the Airbus A400M. She is currently doing the Through-life Engineering Services Specialist Masters Degree Apprenticeship at Cranfield University. Alexia joined Rolls-Royce in 2018 as an Engineering Degree Apprentice doing a BEng in Aerospace Engineering at the University of the West of England, finishing in September 2022 having achieved a First-Class honours.
She has led projects within the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of the TP400 engine section to eliminate inspection capability gaps and reduce turn-around times of engines.
Alexia is the current chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) Apprentice Panel, she is the Apprentice Representative in the UCAS Apprenticeship Stakeholder group, she is on the IMechE Bath and Bristol Young Members Panel as well as being the Apprentice Representative on the IET Young Members Panel.
During the last year she has contributed over 200 hours to promoting STEM to the younger generation through Air Shows, Careers Fairs, Conferences and in schools. She is passionate about encouraging more women to go into engineering especially via an apprenticeship.
Across her two apprenticeships she has been awarded 11 national and regional awards with more to come.
Tom Marsh - Renishaw
Speaker Profile
Tom Marsh is a seasoned human factors professional with over 20 years of experience across diverse industries. He has played a pivotal role in the design and development of products, infrastructure, and services globally, ensuring a user-centric approach in every project. Tom’s expertise lies in collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to integrate end-user considerations throughout the design process. Currently, he leads a dedicated team of industrial design and human factors specialists at Renishaw, supporting the creation of innovative products, materials, and therapies that aim to impact billions of lives.
Georgie Foster - Renishaw
Speaker Profile
Marc Saunders - Renishaw
Speaker Profile
Professor Gill Cooke
Tim Hogan - Bentley Motors
Freya Bexon - Rolls-Royce
Martin Tideswell - University of Staffordshire
Martin Tideswell - University of Staffordshire
Director of Communities and Commercial Engagement
University of StaffordshireElla Pilsworth-Straw - Invibio, Victrex
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Sizewell C Construction Performance Director, Laing O'Rourke
Sizewell CDr Nandini Chakravorti, CEng MIET - The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
Dr Nandini Chakravorti, CEng MIET - The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
Associate Director – Digital Engineering
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)Joshua Mitchell - Babcock International Group
Joshua Mitchell - Babcock International Group
Digital and Technology Solutions Apprentice
Babcock International Group – Mission SystemsPeter Passaro - Babcock International Group
Peter Passaro - Babcock International Group
Chief Technologist – Artificial Intelligence
Babcock International Group – Mission SystemsProfessor Dave Greenwood
Dr. Phil Jemmett
Dr. Phil Jemmett
Widening Participation Coordinator, WMG Outreach Team
WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group)Debora Mazzetta
Dr Ben Silverstone
Dr Ben Silverstone
Associate Professor, Head of Skills Policy and Strategy
WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group)Alexia Williams - Rolls-Royce
Alexia Williams - Rolls-Royce
Deployed Lifecycle Engineer – TP400 and IfATE Apprentice Panel Chair
Rolls-RoyceIan Jefferies
Baxter touches the lives of millions of people around theworld every day. Our products and therapies can be found throughout hospitalsand clinics – from the Emergency Department to the Operating Theatre, from thePharmacy to the Intensive Care Unit – as well as advancing patients’ care intheir homes. Baxter is a truly global company and has 13 sites across the UK.
I am currently responsible for 2 aseptic manufacturing unitswith a team of over 120 people including Business Leaders, Supervisors,Technicians, a project team & a CI team.
My background is in manufacturing, primarily in the pharmaceutical Industry, having worked at both Pfizer and Abbot before joiningBaxter in 2021. I have a passion not just for pharmaceutical manufacturing but also for inspiring my teams to grow and develop, to become fabulous versions of themselves and exceed in their careers, beyond even their own expectations!
Josh Finch
A graduate Manufacturing Engineer who has just completed hisfirst year at Lotus Cars. He studied Automotive Engineering with Motorsport atthe University of Hertfordshire, going on to work as a Composite Technicianbefore gaining his place at Lotus in the summer of 2023.
Mike McLean
Having started my working life stacking shelves in asupermarket and on building sites, I managed to get a job in the civil serviceas an Assistant Scientific Officer. After 18 years of designing, buildingand operating wind tunnels and other test equipment I reached the equivalent ofa Senior Scientific Officer. The next 11 years was spent in the O&G /petrochemical industry dealing with Heat Transfer & Fluid Dynamics. In 2008 I joined the Swift Technology Group working in the Aviation, RenewableEnergies and R&D sectors. I’m a STEM Ambassador and my interests aretravel, photography and aviation.
Tom Hesp
I caught the bug for aviation when I was 13 from my firstglider flight. 678 flights later, I’m now a gliding instructor, student pilotand an aspiring aviation engineer. Having started my career at Swift in 2022,I’ve been involved in many different aspects of aviation engineering frommechanical assemblies, electrical assemblies and composite manufacture. Outsideof work, if I'm not flying, you'll probably find me in a hangar working ongliders!
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Dr. Sarah Williamson CEng FREng FICE MIStructE
Sizewell C Construction Performance Director, Laing O'Rourke
Sizewell CSarah was born in West Cumbria, where she is now based with her husband Dave, parents, dogs, ponies and sheep; she is passionate about nature and the planet and, when not at work she is learning more about growing food and making her and Dave’s little patch of land a home to as much wildlife as possible! Sarah started her career as a builder and still finds these early skills useful both at work and home, over the past 30-ish years she has spent time as an academic, lecturing the ‘hard’ technical subjects as a twenty-something was a great test of understanding, communication and nerve! in a design, working as a designer, a construction contractor and for the last five years a client.
She started her nuclear career in 2006 making a move back up north following a dream to work on decommissioning projects - and learn more about dynamic analysis - at Sellafield. After declaring that new build would probably be boring she demonstrated trademark adaptability in the face of new evidence and became a keen advocate for, and participant in, the nuclear renaissance; spending the last 12 years on the new build projects of Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C.
Sarah is a strong advocate for listening to and empowering youth and is passionate about contributing to the development of UK energy infrastructure delivery and the drive to net zero.
Richard Bambridge
I am the Early Careers Manager for Lotus Cars, leading recruitment initiatives since January. With over 20 years of experience in the skills landscape, I have a deep understanding of how to cultivate and support young talent. Prior to joining Lotus, I was Early Careers Lead for the UK’s largest housebuilder, guiding countless young professionals with their career journeys. I am passionate about helping the next generation find meaningful pathways into work, and they work closely with educators, employers, and industry leaders to ensure opportunities are accessible and rewarding.
Will Bridgman
Will Bridgman is an experienced business leader who believes that strategic alliances are the cornerstone of a successful and sustainable business. He is the managing director of Warren Services but has also held directorships and advisory roles with other businesses. He is passionate about developing new business products/services in order to enhance business portfolios and to ensure that Warren Services remains a leading edge, technical solutions provider.
After 25 years of being a well respected and successful engineering/manufacturing organisation, Will is keen to develop Warren Services further as a trusted partner and end-to-end technical solutions provider, focused on building productive, strategic relationships that deliver innovative solutions for clients and business partners alike.
Jed McConochie
Jed is a former apprentice in engineering and manufacturing at Warren Services, now fulfilling the role of mechanical engineer in the company. He picked up other skills along the way, including welding and the electrical side of things at Warren Services. He started his apprenticeship straight from school, completing in May 2022 and now continues to develop his skills and further training at Warren.
Paul Stringer
I am the Capability Lead for the business with overall accountability for our apprenticeship schemes and pathways in British Sugar. I work in the Talent and Leadership team but prior to this have spent around 30 years in operational and engineering roles – I started in the business as a graduate in Mechanical Engineering but have been closely involved with apprenticeships for the last 20 years and I am passionate about the impact apprentices with the right skills have in our workplace.
Zach Wilkins
I have been building my career with British Sugar for over a decade. My journey started as a chemical engineering graduate having been drawn in by the scale, complexity, and efficiency of British Sugar's process.
Following a 2-year graduate development scheme I became a shift manager, overseeing one of the five operational teams responsible for day-to-day running of the factory and gaining a deep insight into sugar technology, mechanical and electrical engineering challenges.
I moved on to area manager for the refinery, accountable for the people, operations, maintenance, and capital investment within the area. Most recently I have taken on my current role as De-carbonisation Project Lead, delivering large scale transformational projects for the site in pursuit of our long-term net Zero goals.
British Sugar constantly provides us with new challenges and opportunities that have facilitated my growth. One of my passions throughout my career has been the recruitment and development of our apprentices and graduates, helping to shape the future of our business.
Dr. Jean Debney
Explore the huge range of opportunities available within manufcaturing, design, innovation and engineering
Inspiration from young speakers: hear from young professionals who have successfully navigated their career journeys in manufacturing.
Get advice and insights first-hand from experts in the manufacturing industry
Benefit from the opportunity to engage and connect with some of the region’s leading employers
Learn about the exciting impact of AI and climate change on the manufacturing roles of the future
Explore Future Work Trends: Discover the latest trends and innovations in various fields.
University and Professional Development Centre, 73 Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3TB
University and Professional Development Centre, Bury St Edmunds
Friday 4th October 2024
Please arrive by 12:45pm for lunch. The conference will start at 1:25pm. The conference will finish at 5:20pm.
Please note any student attending who is under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (parent / guardian / carer). Please be aware that we will be filming the talks at the conference for promotional and archival purposes. If you prefer not to be filmed, please kindly inform us at the registration desk or notify a member of our team. Thank you for your cooperation.